We get it — there are a million and one legitimate reasons not to have sex tonight, tomorrow or the day after that. But there are plenty of couples out there who are doing the deed five, six, seven or more times a week . We recently asked married HuffPost readers who have sex every night (barring things like sickness, business trips or other extenuating circumstances, of course) how it has improved their lives and relationships. Below are 13 good reasons to get it on with your spouse on a near daily basis.
1. It provides some much-needed couple time.
“My husband and I have sex every night because it’s a moment in the day that is just about the two of us. We are parents to a toddler, so when we lay him down for bed each night, we can then spend the rest of the night expressing how we feel about each other physically. Having sex allows us to be passionate, to show affection and we enjoy pleasing each other.” – Christie M. of Arkansas; married 3 years
2. It leads to more PDA outside of the bedroom.
“We’re very physically expressive with one another, even when we’re not having sex. We hold hands a lot, he slaps my butt when I’m working in the kitchen, I nuzzle his neck when he’s working on research papers at the desk.” – Jesse N. of Ontario, Canada; married less than one year
3. It can be a workout if you do it right.
“When you have four kids and no time, sex is the best exercise.” – Tera M. of Oklahoma, married less than one year
4. It gets you out of your head for a little while.
“Sex for me, and now for my husband since we’ve gotten together, is a complete escape from reality. We are both very much into role-playing and it’s such a wonderful feeling to not have to be me for a while, to completely shut off from our crappy day-to-day existence and strictly be about ourselves and our enjoyment.” – Sara C., of Panama City, Florida; married one year
5. It builds trust.
“New positions and sexual frontiers take a lot of trust in your partner to not screw it up, and that kind of trust is best earned after several years of personal and joint bodily exploration.” – Kristena M. of Richmond, Virginia; married 10 years French investigators say usable data has been extracted from the cockpit voice recorder of Germanwings 4U 9525 but it has so far yielded no clues as to the cause of the plane's crash. They said the plane hit the ground in the French Alps at great velocity, suggesting no explosion in flight. Flight 4U 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf crashed after an eight-minute rapid descent on Tuesday. The French, German and Spanish leaders visited the crash site on Wednesday.
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