

Maintaining healthy skin is a holistic process – starting from the inside out – and these foods will help to keep you looking great


We’re not talking about highly-sweetened, cheap chocolate bars, but rather high-quality unsweetened chocolate that’s at least 70% cocoa. Cocoa has powerful skin-hydrating powers that through continued use can bring a healthy glow to your skin. Cocoa flavanols, antioxidants found in cocoa, are very good for your skin.

Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is great for preventing wrinkles. Dairy products in general help make skin firmer and also help to fight acne. The acidic nature of and probiotics found in Greek yoghurt attack acne-causing bacteria and reduce skin inflammation. The benefits of eating a serving of Greek yoghurt a day will soon show on your face


Studies have found that people who eat green and yellow vegetables have fewer wrinkles than those who don’t. Red and yellow peppers are high in antioxidants called carotenoids, which decrease the skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

Green tea

Green tea has multiple benefits, not only for your skin, but also for your health in general. Before you side-eye that colleague of yours who’s constantly refilling their cup of green tea, consider these facts:
  • When used with sunscreen, green tea enhances sun protection.
  • Green tea’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities have been proven to slow down some signs of ageing.
  • Green tea extract has a chemical called Methyxlanthines, which stimulates the skin’s micro-circulation, which evens out your skin tone, leaving you with a better complexion


While many cultures see pomegranates as a symbol of prosperity, science sees them as a health booster, especially for your skin. Pomegranates have three times the levels of antioxidants of green tea, making them the best skincare food.
Regular consumption of pomegranates, in any form, will give you radiant skin, and they are often included in skincare products, especially those that fight ageing. Acne, dry skin, spots and hyper-pigmentation are just some of the conditions that pomegranates help prevent and fight.
Sources: Fitness Magazine, Smart Skincare, The Skincare Clinic, Multicultural Beauty French investigators say usable data has been extracted from the cockpit voice recorder of Germanwings 4U 9525 but it has so far yielded no clues as to the cause of the plane's crash. They said the plane hit the ground in the French Alps at great velocity, suggesting no explosion in flight. Flight 4U 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf crashed after an eight-minute rapid descent on Tuesday. The French, German and Spanish leaders visited the crash site on Wednesday.


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