

Relationships can be one of the most complicated forms of interactions. Often, we think of relationships with a significant other, but we build relationships every day in a myriad of different ways. We generate different levels of relationships with our favorite coffee barista, with the the other people at our gym, with our co-workers, and, of course, with our romantic partners. There is always something happening around us, and life rushes at very high speeds, often demanding our focus and attention for longer periods of time. It’s easy—and efficient for the brain—to put many day-to-day activities into habit mode. However, your relationship with the one you love is one thing you don’t want to slip into habit with. This might be only a hop, skip, and a jump away from detrimental actions such as failure to communicate, not thinking of the other person’s needs, taking each other for granted, and drifting apart.
The list below is filled with simple, everyday things you can do with your significant other in order to keep your relationship fresh and fun.
We’ve all heard the basics of a healthy relationship, which includes good communication, empathy, responsibility for your emotions, and various other self-improvement and mindfulness traits. Now, here are 30 fun and easy things to bring into your relationship to help keep you present, playful, and remembering all those fabulous things you love about your partner.
The drive to be in a loving relationship can be an incredibly strong need. After all, love is one of our strongest emotions. Whether you have been in a relationship 6 months or 12 years, actively working toward keeping the relationship healthy and strong takes two people. If nothing else, cuddle up on the couch, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the list below as your own form of bonding time.
  1. Spend a little extra time in bed (morning or night) to laugh, joke, and talk about goals and what excites you.

  2. Cook meals together.
  3. When you bump into each other around the house, use the opportunity for a hug, silly kiss, or playful moment.
  4. Try an activity you both can be awkward at together and don’t take it too seriously.
  5. Learn something new together.
  6. Teach each other something new.
  7. Have a conversation with each other using just movie quotes.
  8. Share your goals as you work on them through the day.
  9. Cheer each other on as you both work through your goals and projects for the day.
  10. Get up early and make breakfast for each other.
  11. Surprise your partner at lunch with their favorite hot drink.
  12. Make sure to ask how each other’s day went.
  13. Flirt with each other throughout the day.
  14. Go for an evening walk and watch the stars come out.
  15. Plan an at-home retreat day together (no phones or computers).
  16. Check out a local open house or two.
  17. Create a yummy recipe together.
  18. Tell each other “I love you” at night before going to sleep.
  19. Play, “I’m grateful for (fill in the blank)” together.
  20. Spend an afternoon being silly together—go to playgrounds, get ice cream cones, and go window shopping, etc.
  21. Spend an afternoon going through old albums and boxes to see what you discover.
  22. Browse in a used bookstore.
  23. Write down all the things about your partner you’re grateful for and share it with each other at the end of the night.
  24. Invite friends over for a potluck and board games. Expand your circle of friends by having them bring one new friend.
  25. Volunteer at an animal shelter together.
  26. Coach a kids’ sports team together.
  27. Always kiss each other hello whenever you see each other.
  28. Turn on your favorite music and dance through the house.
  29. Check the local paper for free musical festivals, farmers’ markets, or other festivals to enjoy together.
  30. Set a timer and listen to each other for 1 minute. First person gets to tell about their day, their worries, goals, etc. The second person actively listens, then switch.
French investigators say usable data has been extracted from the cockpit voice recorder of Germanwings 4U 9525 but it has so far yielded no clues as to the cause of the plane's crash. They said the plane hit the ground in the French Alps at great velocity, suggesting no explosion in flight. Flight 4U 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf crashed after an eight-minute rapid descent on Tuesday. The French, German and Spanish leaders visited the crash site on Wednesday.


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